Friday, November 20, 2009

Dapat dolar dari Hosting gratis

Selain bisa hosting gratis, perusahan hosting ini memberikan komisi $5 per sign up ke hosting mereka.

bayarannya melalui Paypal ampe terkumpul $100, jadi cukup 20 orang aja sudah bisa cash out.

Langsung aja menuju TKP disini !!!!!!!!

Free Website Hosting

Facebook Bagi-bagi dolar bersama Paypal

Dapat $100 dari Facebook Wishlist

Hallo Sobat,

Kali ini saya mau bagi-bagi info lagi tentang cara gampang dapat dollar. Kali ini yang menyelenggarakan adalah Tapi kali ini berjalannya di Facebook, jadi anda harus punya account Facebook dulu untuk memulainya.

Pertama, login dulu ke

Kemudian kunjungi

PayPal Wishlist disini

. Anda akan menemui halaman yang tampak seperti gambar di

bawah ini:

Klik link CLICK HERE untuk memasukkan email PayPal anda. Kalau anda belum punya, silahkan daftar dulu di

, gratis kok! Kalau nanti ditanyai kartu kredit, skip aja.

Akan muncul pop up seperti di bawah ini, silahkan masukkan email anda:

Kalau sudah tekan Submit. Nah, sekarang anda sudah mendapatkan $1 anda yang pertama. Gampang bukan? Tapi masak cuma $1, biar nambah, kita buat wishlist dulu dan menginvite teman-teman kita.

Cara membuat wishlist, klik tombol

Create New Wishlist

Sekarang tinggal memilih produk-produk apa yang anda inginkan. Bebas aja sekalian menghayal. Siapa tahu kesampaian beneran. Tul nggak?

Anda harus memilih 5 produk. Setelah selesai, klik tombol Save & Share This Wishlist

Tunggu sebentar hingga popup-nya muncul. Lalu anda tinggal publish saja wishlist anda di facebook

Sekarang anda bisa mengundang rekan-rekan anda untuk bergabung dengan PayPal Wishlist dan mendapatkan dollar anda dengan. Setiap rekan yang berhasil anda ajak, anda akan mendapatkan $1.

Masa promosi program ini sampai 31 Desember 2009. Jadi segera saja bergabung ya

Oh iya, pembayaran adalah melalui PayPal. Dan maksimal bonus yang didapat adalah $100 / orang. Jadi tidak perlu terlalu kenceng kalau sudah deket2 angka $100.

Pembayaran dilakukan paling lama tanggal 28 Februari 2010. Lumayan lama sih, tapi gak masalah yang penting kan dapat. Ya toh?? Ya, udah silahkan deh bikin wish list dan semoga wishnya jadi kenyataan.

Pendaftaran sudah ditutup. Terima kasih.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Paid to Shorten Your Link

Setiap anda mendaftar ke program afiliasi, biasanya selalu ada link referral untuk mempromosikan web afiliasi yang anda ikuti.
Nah panjang banget kan :)
Ada solusi buat anda yaitu dengan memperpendek linknya,sekaligus dapat earning jika ada yang klik link yang pendek itu.
1. Daftar di Linkbucks
2. Selanjutnya ikuti petunjuknya untuk mengisi pendaftaran
3. Pembayarannya 2 kali dalam sebulan lewat Paypal
4. Lalu kalo udah beres pendaftarannya, trs Sign In
5. Terus Click Create Links
6. Isikan link di Link to Convert
7.Landing pagenya pilih clean atw adult terserah anda
8.Ad type pilih Short link aja
9.Alias Url boleh pilih sembarang
10.Lalu klik generate Link
11. trada....Link anda jadi pendek, promosikan link ini sekaligus dapat earning Pay per clicknya.

Good Luck friends...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Earn Money From Internet Share

Today earn money from internet is going easier, all you have to just sign up to this program.


How it works ?

After you join MyFreeShares ( for free ), you will get 1 share. You will be able to earn more shares by referring other people to our service ( 1 share per referral + 1 Share per Dollar they spend on advertising on our page ), or you can earn shares with clicking links and for joining Free and paid offers or with purchase advertising on our site.

We earn money by selling banner impressions, website ads and e-mail ads. All earnings are divided by total number of shares members have. That is how we get COMMISSION PER SHARE value.
e.g. if we earn $5 in 24 hours, and there are 1000 shares ( in total ), commission per share will be $5 / 1000 = $0.005.
So, if you have 200 shares, your commission ( that day ) will be
$0.005 x 200 = $1.0.

Minimum payout is $10. Payout options are Paypal. Money you earn will be sent to you on your request, maximum 10 days after requested.


Saturday, June 20, 2009



Per Lead (PPL) is an affiliate program, where a merchant (who sell the product) will paid to the member who can direct or encourage the visitor to enter the merchant site and fill out a purchase or register online even if the sale transaction does not occur.

Agency, educational agency, or the programmer usually use of this program.
Merchants hope, after a visitor after the visitor fill the form or trying the product, there will be a follow-up to purchase the product.

Address of the PPL Affiliates


In Pay-per-Click (PPC), member will get paid when he/she can make other people see merchant website or blog by clicking the ads of the merchant. Pay-per-click ads that appear on the website or blog can be a text or banner.

In the PPC, including ads per impression, which will pay each number of ads viewed by visitors. For example, a program with the system cost per 1000 impressions (CPM), the owner of a web page will be paid when their clients ads show in 1000 times, with or without a visitor click on the ads.

Not like Pay-per-sale and pay-per-lead programs that can be joined without having a website or blog, you should have a blog or website before registering PPC and pay-per-impression program. This Blog or website will be used as media to apply for PPC affiliate program.

PPC program

Affiliate business

Affiliates Program

Affiliate program is a program where someone will get a commission if he invites others to see, try, or purchase a product or a service owned by the seller (merchant).

There are many affiliate programs in the internet, such as: pay-per-click, pay-per-sale, pay-per-lead, etc..

By joining the affiliate program, you should already have a blog / website to place your affiliate banner or id text.
Do the following:
1.Register in one or more any affiliate sites. Make sure you have read and understand the rules required by each of the program.
2.After the registration process is complete, login and select a product category that will be marketed or search for a product.
3.After select the product, you will usually get the url link of the product. That means that every visitor who have purchased the product through the link of the product given by yours, you will get the affiliate commission.
4.Promote the affiliate’s link url. You can put the url link in the web site, blog, or paying program through the pay per click such as Google Adwords.

Park Domain

Managing Domain Parking

If you are looking for alternative investment program, you should start to look cheap option in the virtual world, that is investment in the online land. As well as buying land in the real world in form of land, a virtual world also provides land called “domain” that can be rented or even for buy and for sell.
Well, if you currently have an online area called a domain, but not used, there is one program that can make the land into online money machine, the “Park domain”.

Through parking a domain, your domain will be hired as a "land parker" for other domains. You will get money for each click made by the visitor on your website. The money comes from advertisers who advertise the site through the parking service provider. If your domain have been parked, then your domain will include links from advertisers.

This program can be spelled out very easy to do because only need to have the domain (without hosting), without the need to understand the language should be a kind of HTML, and content page (content). Although it has become the benefit for park domain, but it can also the weakness of park domain. Domain that contains only links and does not have content, clearly does not have any attraction for visitors.

Parking Domain Program

"Make and Sell" Get Money

Make and Sell Get Money

Have talent in the field of design? If yes, you can be rich from the virtual world. There are many places on the internet that can accommodate the creative ideas become a field of money.

This program allows you to sell products online and also have online office without having to issue any capital. How?

So, things you need to do is create a design image for merchandise (such as: shirt, clock, mug, poster, or a hat). You can send the design to the service provider. They will then put your work in the website. If there are visitors who are interested to buy the merchandise, for example:shirts with designs that you created, they will then make a T-shirt and sending it to the buyer.

Benefits derived from selling price which is determined with a basic price that you set yourself. For example, if the basic price of the shirt is worth $ 20, you can sell with $ 25 for a $ 5 profit per sale.


Paid to Review

Paid to Review

If you like writing, Paid to Review is a fun program to follow. You see the name,you will get paid only to write opinions that successfully loaded about a product, service, or a particular website.

Why an author, publisher, blogger, or can be paid to write?

Companies that have products, services, or anything who want to be promoted (via Internet) requires the publication. The more parties that publish or review the products or services, the larger expectations the product or service is known for. Therefore, it is not impossible if the advertisers pay for an expensive posts that can be written diblog with a lot of visitors.
Products or services which reviewed on a blog with many visitors, has a great opportunity to become more popular, because the reviewed product must include a link to a particular address.
So, to start this program the blogger or publisher must have a blog with content in English.The blog is the sample to aplly in paid review program. If approved by advertisers, publishers need to write a review or any posts that have been approved in their blog and will get paid for it.
However, if you do not have a blog, you can still follow the program that does not require ownership of the blog., on this site, you can write practical tips after login with a minimum of $ 1 paid per post, if loaded.

Ada banyak alamat dimana anda bisa mengikuti program Paid to Review. There are a lot of websites where you can join the program “Paid to Review”. That, each service has its own requirements for publishers who want to join, such as the age of blogs, page rank, quality, quantity and content, etc..

So if you do not have a blog, you can make it, either free ( or or paying (have their own domain and hosting). The higher the page rank (number of visitors to the site) and Alexa rank (you can check in at the, the more easily accepted in this program.

Address for Paid to Review (menerima blog bhs Indonesia)

Paid to Take Picture

Paid to Take Picture/Mejeng diri dapat duit

Jika anda hobi fotografi dan ingin mendapatkan uang dari hobi anda, maka situs berikut adalah yang paling tepat


Di, foto milik anda akan dibayar 25 sen dolar untuk setiap foto yang didownlad oleh pengguna. Jika pendapatan anda sudah mencapai $500, komisi yang didapatkan akan naik 30 sen dolar untuk setiap download.

Selain dengan cara menjual foto, anda juga bisa mendapatkan komisi dari program afiliasi bagi sesame fotografer maupun dari pembeli yang direferensikan oleh anda. Untuk menjadi member, anda harus men-scan KTP, SIM, atau passport dalam format JPEG, TIF, atau PDF.


Anda akan mendapatkan 50%-80% dari setiap penjualan. Jika aplikasi diterima, foto anda berari siap untuk dijual dan akan ditempatkan di level pertama. Jika foto sudah didownload sebanyak 25 kali, otomatis akan naik menjadi level kedua dan naik menjadi level kelima jika didownload sebanyak 200 kali.


Di situs ini, sebelum mengupload foto, terlebih dahulu anda harus lulus dari semacam tes yang dilakukan. Untuk setiap foto yang didownload, anda akan menerima komisi mulai dari 50 sen, $1, bahkan $60, yang akan dibayarkan melalui Paypal atau MoneyBookers.


Di Fotolia, anda bisa menjual foto berdasar system royalty atau dengan cara menjual lisensi foto tersebut dengan harga yang bisa juga anda tentukan sendiri.

  • memungkinkan anda bisa memilih program yang diinginkan untuk memaksimalkan pendapatan. Misal, untuk Single Image Downloads, akan membayar anda komisi 50% untuk setiap download yang dilakukan pengunjung.

Paid to Share

Paid to Share

You like sharing files, you have to join paid to share program. This is a program where you can give files (video, photos, etc.) or information to other people and will get the revenue / income when there is another person who takes the file or use the information you owned it.
Member on this site can make money with uploading a video, text, audio, or images.
Member can write a blog and share videos and photos to other visitors. Member can also use adsense account to increase revenue by 100% of adsense click belongs to member.
In Yuwie, income obtained from the photo viewed, written blogs, invite friends to join, send a message, all the main activities are paid in yuwie. They are already many people successfully through Yuwie with income above $ 10,000 per year.
At this site, members can upload photos with unlimited amount and will be paid $ 0.22 for every 1000 visitors view. Photos that are uploaded can be linked in MySpace, Blogger, Xanga, Hi5, etc..
Images uploaded will not be sold or downloaded. Income from Stcokvault is a sharing commission with the members who already have adsense account.
Members can send and sell digital media such as video to the visitor.
Members will get paid from the video uploaded and viewed by visitors.
Here, the members will get paid $ 20 for every 10,000 downloaded files. If successfully invite others to join, members will get 10% of the commissions they earn.
Members get money from the FAQ forums.

Here are some other web site addresses that offer Paid to Share:

Paid to Play Game

Paid to Play Games

Hobby playing games can make money also. With the online play game, you can get a commission or prizes.

Games such as online stock market simulation, where participants can make transaction by buying or selling stock with the virtual capital. At the end of the round, the participants with the highest portofolio value will get a prize of $ 100, payable through Paypal.

This game gives $ 10 prize to the winner who can guess what the image is? Also been paid through Paypal. In this game, each participant can only take one game per week.

Online game that will give you the "capital" of $ 100,000 to play. Permainannya berupa ketepatan menebaksuatu hal atau peristiwa, seperti: This game is like guess accuracy things or events, such as:

* whether Hillary Clinton will occupy seats on the presidential election in 2008?

* Will Britney Spears get Oscar trophy this year?

Playing games in Moola is very interesting, because the money you’ve earned will be increased if we win a game. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to wait too long other players who will play as our opponents pile.

This game is done with the other players told to click on a link. Each link is clicked by a player, you will get the money. At the end of the period, the winner with the most money will be given the highest prize of $ 100 through Paypal.

Create Paypal Account

Create Paypal Account

Create Paypal Account

Many people asked me how is the payment method if we join in affiliate program on the internet. The term "Payment Gateway", at this time for many companies use the online service called “Paypal”. Paypal is like a bank in this virtual world, its function is the same as a bank in our real world. By using Paypal avoid theft of credit card data on the internet. In addition beside Paypal there are a lot of "Payment Gateway", such as: Egold, Liberty Reverse, AlertPay, Moneybookers, but I will only discuss this Paypal this time.

Paypal payment one of the tools that many people use today, so will be useful for those who make many transactions on the Internet.
Accounts Paypal can be held for free. However, it can be used to send and receive money, you need to upgrade the account to be verified
Here is the step:
* Click Sign Up in
1. Choose type of account you want. For example: Personal Accounts
2. Choose Country and language
3. Click Continue
4. Fill your information on the registration form
5. After that,enter the credit card number
6. confirmation via email
7. Do the $ 1.95 payment via credit card it can be used. Paypal will then send the code through the credit card billing address in the billing. Do not worry, paypal will restore $ 1.95 in your Paypal account later , so you should not be charged anything.
8. If code has been received, log in to paypal, and enter the code.Display the account status if successful is: Your member status is: Verified.

Although Accounts Paypal has not been verified you, your Paypal may also have been used but is restricted to send and receive money of $ 100 only. So no need to wait until Paypal send an invoice by credit card (point 7) to run your new affiliate program on the internet.

Money Maker Make Money Online by Using Internet

Money Maker Make Money Online by Using Internet

Ya Blog saya buat diperuntukkan untuk semua orang yang ingin make money online di internet.
Dunia maya seperti ladang uang yang tiada habisnya yang siap digali, memiliki banyak harta karun terpendam yang bisa digali dan dimiliki oleh mereka yang jeli melihat peluang di didalamnya

Salah satu keajaiban dunia maya adalah ada banyak mesin uang yang bisa diperoleh dengan sedikit atau bahkan tanpa modal sekali pun, eh gak dink sedikitnya biaya internet 
Ada banyak model bisnis bermunculan di dunia maya, sehingga banyak bermunculan orang yang menjadi sukses secara materi dari dunia maya dengan membuat mesin pencari, menjual produk atau jasa online, memasang iklan, ngeblog, ikut affiliasi, dan banyak lagi yang lain.

Blog ini berisi program-program dan alamat penghasil uang yang ada di internet, dan baru sebagian kecil dari banyak program dan alamat yang ada di dunia maya.

Semoga dari Blog ini anda bisa mendapatkan banyak manfaat. Tidak sekedar mengikuti, tetapi menjadi lebih terinspirasi untuk memiliki bisnis online model apa pun di dunia maya.

Sekaligus terima kasih kepada Bapak Taufik Hidayat atas bukunya 234 Situs Web Penghasil Dolar, dan Bapak Welly Mulia di

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tip Hasilkan Jutaan View di Yuwie

Cara menghasilkan jutaan views

Sekarang mungkin Anda bertanya... "Bagaimana menghasilkan jutaan views supaya bonus saya besar?"

Cara terbaik supaya halaman kamu dilihat adalah menambah lebih banyak content pada profil Anda. Add banyak teman, tinggalkan komentar untuk teman, upload banyak pictures, dan aktif dengan blog. Semua itu bisa membuat orang lain melihat banyak halaman dari profil Anda. Lebih aktif Anda, lebih banyak dilihat halaman Anda. Ingat, setiap Anda menambahkan profil pada halaman Anda, semua teman Anda diberitahu melalui Friend Feed mereka.

Setelah teman Anda terdaftar sebagai referral Anda, tuntun dia untuk melakukan hal serupa (mencari referral lain) supaya downline Anda semakin banyak lagi. Mudah bukan?

Jutaan views itu sangat mungkin karena teman yang Anda ajak pasti punya teman lagi dan jika ia mengajaknya maka total views temannya teman Anda itu juga akan diakumulasikan pada total views Anda, terus dan terus hingga kedalaman 10 level, maka pada saat itulah Anda sangat mungkin mendapatkan Cek atau Paypal $10,235.49 (sekitar Rp. 95 juta) per bulan LUAR BIASA :-)


Kayaknya Friendster (FS) ni pengennya menang sendiri, kenapa tidak? Di FS, kita menulis "Yuwie" 1 kata saja di comment atau message, pesan kita ga akan terkirim atau ga akan keliatan. What happen? Selain Yuwie, FS juga men-sensor beberapa situs atau kata tertentu. Tambah kurang ajar, ga? Jadi jangan harap bisa menyebarkan Yuwie lewat FS, kecuali dengan trik khusus agar kita dapat mengundang teman kita dari FS, kalo perlu ajakin mereka exodus besar-besaran dari FS ke Yuwie yang mau membayar membernya, HUAHAHHAHA :-)

Yuwie memang tempat nongkrong paling asyik... di Yuwie, temen dan uang sama penting :)

Yang paling asyik jumlah temen gw di Yuwie LANGSUNG lebih banyak dari jumlah temen gw di FS... makin enjoy dah...

Berusaha terus dapat banyak teman (dan dollar) dari Yuwie... hari gini pas.sive in.come penting banget :) kalo perlu bikin 6 pokok saluran pipa uang (six profits figure) yang mengalir ke rekening kita :)

Perlahan tapi pasti... makin banyak temen yang join di jaringan makin berpotensi untuk dapat kiriman Cek atau Paypal dari Yuwie :) walaupun entah kapan... bulan depan (belum kali ye:), mungkin 3 bulan atau 6 bulan lagi, mudah mudahan aja... soalnya kalo gw liat progresnya... tiap hari makin tambah banyak aja temen.

So... kalau menurut kamu teman lebih penting daripada uang kenapa gak join di Yuwie aja... faktanya gw lebih banyak temen di Yuwie daripada di FS...

Or... kalau menurut kamu temen dan uang sama penting, pastinya kamu harus join di Yuwie karena Yuwie adalah social PERTAMA dan No. 1 di dunia yang ngasih uang ke member-membernya...

Cuma ngajak temen > beraktifitas seperti di Friendster > dibayar dollar !

Cuma Ada di Yuwie lho...

Mau Join GRATIS di Yuwie?


Saingan Friendster

Join Yuwiee seperti Friendster dapat dollar tiap page preview

**MIRIP Friendster TAPI di Yuwie Anda di BAYAR DoLLar, MAU?**

PERNAH JOIN DI Friendster?


Yup, tepat sekali! Kita bisa majangin foto kita, nulis apa aja sampe yang ga penting banget, cari temen, PDKT, curhat, de..el..el. but anyway, pernahkah kita berpikir andaikan semua yang kita lakukan di Friendster mendapat imbalan duit? Bayangin aja TIDAK DAPET DUIT aja SEMANGAT, apalagi yang dibayar duit. WHOOO HHO HOHO...semangat banget!

Yuwie itu makhluk apaan sih?

Yuwie adalah situs social net.working seperti halnya MySpace, Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, dll. Hanya yang memBEDAkannya adalah ada pembagian keuntungan bagi anggota Yuwie. Setiap bulan Yuwie akan membagikan keuntungan dari iklan yang didapat kepada seluruh member!

Yuwie adalah social net.working (sejenis Friendster) PERTAMA di dunia yang membayar para membernya dari hasil periklanan yang mereka kelola. Maksudnya, darimana Yuwie bisa membayar kita? Jawabannya ya, dari iklan2 yang nongol anda nampang di halaman situs Yuwie. Mereka bekerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan periklanan besar di dunia, lalu hasil bayaran yang mereka terima dibagikan sama member2nya, istilah populernya adalah RSR (Revenue Sharing Rate). Mereka sangat menghargai kerja membernya.

Kita dapat bagian dari iklan yang masuk di situs Yuwie, disebut RSR (Revenue Sharing Rate) yaitu bagian hasil pendapatan Yuwie dari iklan2 yang nongol dibagikan pada mamber2nya. So, apa aja yang kita lakuin di Yuwie dari upload foto, interaksi ma temen, ngajak temen join, chat, nulis blog, comment, dll ada imbalannya, bahkan hanya login dan mondar-mandir di member area (control panel) juga dibayar. Kalo ada member lain yang berkunjung di profil kita, ngliat album foto kita, baca blog kita, anda cumin ngeklik-ngeklik doang, kita udah dapat bayaran, BAHKAN kita sendiri yang melakukan juga dibayar lho :-)

Bagaimana cara Yuwie membayar Anda?

Anda memiliki 2 pilihan:

1. Yuwie membayar Anda melalui Paypal. Selanjutnya dari Paypal dapat langsung ditransfer ke bank Anda di Indonesia seperti BCA, Mandiri, BRI, BNI, dll. Minimal withdraw/payout $5 untuk Paypal.

2. Yuwie dapat mengirimkan Cek ke berbagi negara termasuk Indonesia. Jika Anda memilih metode ini, Anda dikenai biaya $1 untuk pengiriman. Minimal withdraw/payout $25 untuk Cek.

Berapa Yuwie membayar Anda?

Yuwie akan membayar kita setiap 1.000 Impression = $ 0,50

(artinya: setiap 1 Impression (1 halaman dibuka) = kira-kira 5 Rupiah untuk satu halaman, kalau di rupiahkan). Kita juga dapat penghasilan dari teman yg kita ajak bergabung hingga 10 Level.

Anda akan dibayar sesuai dengan RSR (revenue sharing rate) yang berlaku di bulan berjalan. Seperti contoh dibawah ini seandainya Anda mengajak 3 teman dan teman Anda mengajak 3 teman lagi hingga kedalaman 10 level, dan setiap referral membuka 1.000 halaman per bulan.

Level ----Refferal----Impressions----Earnings

1 ------------3 -----------3.000 = $ 0,15

2 ------------9------------9.000 = $ 0,45

3 ----------27 ----------27.000 = $0,54

4-----------81----------81.000 = $1,62

5---------243---------243.000 = $4.86

6---------729---------729.000 = $14.58

7-------2.187------2.187.000 = $43.74

8-------6.561------6.561.000 = $328.05

9------19.683----19.683.000 = $984.15

10----59.049-----59.049.000 = $8.857.35

Per halaman yang dibuka (per impression/view), semua itu akan dihitung 1 (satu) dan akan diakumulasikan.

Porsi earning yang Anda dapatkan dari referral adalah sampai dengan level 10.

Ayo teman-teman kita boomingkan Yuwie, sebelum terlambat.

Saya yakin bisnis komunitas sosial seperti Yuwie ini akan BOOMing di seluruh Dunia.

Bayangkan jika tahun depan Yuwie memiliki member sebanyak Friendster, dan banyak dari member itu berada di bawah referral Anda, maka pada saat itu Anda bisa jadi sangat kaya raya :)

Bagaimana, Anda tertarik?, Pasti tertarik bukan :-). Yuwie menghargai kita BANDINGKAN dengan situs-situs komunitas sosial lainnya, mereka tidak membayar kita seperserpun :-(

CARA KERJA Yuwie sangat Simple sbb:

1. Anda dibayar kalau membuka halaman Profile

2. Dibayar ketika buka halaman Blog

3. Dibayar ketika buka halaman Foto

4. Dibayar ketika kamu komentar ke teman kamu

5. Dibayar ketika teman kamu, ngebalas pesan teman kamu.

6. Dibayar ketika seorang melihat layout kita.

7. Dibayar ketika Teman kita melihat semua teman kita.

8. Dibayar ketika kita curhat sama teman kita.

9. Kita Juga mendapatkan penghasilan dari teman yg kita ajak.

10. Dibayar ketika Anda beraktifitas di menu control panel (di member area)

11. DiBAYAR BAYAR dan Intinya... semuanya 100% SAMA seperti kegiatan kita di Friendster. Hampir semuanya SAMA PERSIS. Bedanya justru di Yuwie kita dibayar. Asyik khan :-)


Yang TIDAK dihitung:

1. Me reload ulang atau me-refresh halaman

2. Membuka halaman kurang dari 3 detik.

Pokoknya, semakin sering kita aktif, semakin banyak pula page views yang kita dapatin dan semakin cepat Cek dollar dari Yuwie sampai ke rumah kita. Pembayarannya bisa kita tentukan batas minimumnya, minimal withdraw/payout $25 untuk Cek SEDANGKAN minimal withdraw/payout $5 untuk Paypal. Anda bisa set pembayarannya via Cek atau Paypal. Jika diset Cek, tulis nama asli sesuai KTP dan alamat rumah sejelas-jelasnya (biar ga nyasar di rumah tetangga :), selanjutnya, Cek bisa ditukerin di bank.

Untuk dapat penghasilan 4 digit angka dengan mata uang $$ dari Yuwie bukan hal yang sulit, bahkan bisa jauh lebih besar!

Syaratnya Cuma satu, setelah register, harus aktif. DIJAMIN bakal sukses! Ga percaya? Buktiin aja sendiri tar!

Jadi untuk bisa sukses di Yuwie harus aktif, maka sukses akan Anda dapatkan.


Untuk meraih sukses di Yuwie bukan sesuatu yang instant. Butuh kesabaran, ketelatenan, ketekunan dan mental yang kuat. Jangan berharap setelah register, $$$ akan mengalir dengan sendirinya tanpa usaha. Semua butuh usaha.

Cuma ngajak temen > beraktifitas seperti di Friendster > dibayar dollar !

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